Additional asknet services

In addition to software licensing and procurement services, asknet offers related services.

Group 14388

Our Services

Group 14397 (1)

License distribution via public asknet portals

Benefit from the advantages of centralized software provision even without your own procurement portal.

We distribute the licenses of your campus or framework agreements to your students and staff via our public software portals and collect the fees.

Our automated user-verification process ensures, that only members of your institution can access the offer. If requested, we can even create your own portal subpage for you.

Group 14403

Adobe license allocation service

If you entered into a large volume contract such as Adobe ETLA or VIP, you are now certainly faced with the challenge of distributing the licenses you have purchased to your students. Of course, there is the Adobe Admin Console available for this purpose, but many of our customers lack the resources to continuously verify new student users and assign licenses to them.

With the Adobe license allocation service, we not only relieve you of this tedious task, we also offer you a convenient way to refinance your expenses.

Group 14402

Microsoft 365 student service

We support you in the distribution of the M365 Student Benefit while simultaneously maintaining the privacy of your users.

asknet acts as an intermediary between your institution and Microsoft 365, encrypting and securing all access by your students. This prevents unauthorized access to the Student Benefit and ensures that the distribution takes place in a controlled and secure manner.

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